Respecting the harvest

As a fisherman, I enjoy the whole process. I enjoy the preparation and especially the anticipation. I think Robert Altman described the anticipation best, “I love fishing. You put a line in the water and you don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under.” 

My least favorite part? Like most outdoorsmen, I really don’t enjoy the act of taking something’s life. But we do it to feed our family and friends. We do it to provide organic natural food to our loved ones. 

We have so much respect for the animals and fish that we spend so much time chasing. We owe it to our game to take care of the meat after the harvest. That’s why I choose Engel coolers. 

That fish gave its life so I can feed my family. I have to make sure it wasn’t in vain. My Engel’s provide a peace of mind that I can’t put a price on. I know that my meat will be cool and ready when I’m ready to process it. 

As outdoorsmen and outdoors-women we all must respect the harvest.

Kenny Carpenter – Engel cooler pro staff

CoolerFishingFishing cooler